How to place Adsense Ads under Post Title on WordPress Blog

How to place Adsense Ads under Post Title on WordPress Blog? To earn money from the blog, ads have to be placed. But it is also essential to place the ads in the right place. Because if you do not do the correct placement of your ads, your AdSense’s CPC and CTR will not increase.

Best ad formate for increasing Adstera earning

That is, your blog’s earnings will be less. So it is essential to add your blog ads in the right place.

So In This Post, I will tell you how to show AdSense ads under the title on WordPress Blog without any plugin.

Place Adsense Ads under Post Title

Do not put too many widgets on any blog because adding more widgets and pluggings can spoil the loading speed of your site.

That’s why you should always avoid adding more widgets, plugging.

Before placing ads under the title, you need to know why we have to place ads under the post title?

So, adding a show below the post title will increase your CPC (click per cost) and CTR (click-through rate). And you will get more clicks on your ads, which will increase the earning of your blog.

So let’s now know how to place AdSense ads under the WordPress blog post title without plugins.

At first, you go to Dashboard> Appearance of your WordPress blog. Then click on the editor.

Now you open the function Php Folder and paste this code at the bottom.

//* Show ads below post title by

genesis_register_sidebar( array(

‘id’ => ‘ad-after-title’,

‘name’ => __( ‘Ads After Title’, ‘custom’ ),

‘description’ => __( ‘This is Ad section under post title’, ‘custom’ ),

) );

add_action( ‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘basicwp_post_ad_feature’, 12 );

function basicwp_post_ad_feature() {

if ( is_single() && is_active_sidebar( ‘ad-after-title’ ) ) {

echo ‘<div class=”ad-after-title”>’;

dynamic_sidebar( ‘ad-after-title’ );

echo ‘</div>’;



Next, you click on Dashborad> Appearance> Widget of your WordPress blog. Now here, you will find a widget named Post After Title, on which you select the text. And you paste the code of whatever ads you want to show under the post title.

So now your ads will start appearing under the post title.

Finally, now you don’t forget to tell me how you liked this information on placing google AdSense ads under the post title on the WordPress blog? And if you have any questions, tell me in the comment box below.


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