Fun Facts About Ants | 20 Facts about Ant

Facts About Ants: On hearing the word Ants, a picture comes to mind of that tiny creature, which is often seen moving from here to there with something pressed in our mouth. In the rainy season, ants can be seen a lot. Many people believe that if ants are going from one place to another for their food, there is a possibility of rain.

Facts About Ants

Although our eyes often fall on ants, there are many such exciting things about them that we do not know. So let’s tell some funny things about that little creature today:-

1. There are about 12,000 species of ants worldwide

2. Ant can lift 20 times more than its weight

3. Among ants, there is a queen ant who has millions of young

4. Ants do not have ears; they feel the vibration of the ground

5. If there is a fight between ants, it goes on till death

6. Ants always walk in a line. This is because all the ants release a fluid so that the Ant behind keeps walking behind it.

7. The queen ant has wings

8. Ants do not have lungs. They have tiny holes in their body through which oxygen goes in and comes out.

9. The average lifespan of ants is 28 years, while the queen ant lives for 30 or more years

10. When an ant dies, a chemical is released from its body by which other ants know that the Ant is dead.

11. If the same chemical is put on another living ant, the ants also start thinking that it is dead.

12. Humans and Ants are the only species that store food

13. The body structure and weight of an ant is such that even if it is thrown from an aeroplane, it will not hurt

14. Ant never sleeps

15. Ant can live even underwater for 24 hours

16. ant has two stomachs; in one, it keeps food for itself and someone else.

17. You will not believe knowing that the weight of total ants on earth is equal to the importance of entire humans.

18. Ants used to exist even in the days of dinosaurs

19. Most of the ants are black and red, but green ants are also found in some places.

20. Ants can also bite or sting each other.
I hope this information is beneficial for you.

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