If you want to improve your ranking on google search results then you are in the right place because in this article you will learn how to increase website speed and rank higher in google search results.
Today I will tell you how to check your website speed report and with the help of this report improve your website speed that is very helpful for you.
You know that website loading speed is a Google ranking signal, it means if your website load fasts then google improve your website ranking in search results.
This is a very simple logic for example if you want to visit a website but the website loads in 5 seconds and open another website that also has the same content and the loading speed is 2 seconds you must visit a website that has a loading speed of 2s instead of using a website that have loading speed 5 seconds.
So, if you want to improve the search result ranking of your website then 1st step is to check your website speed report and check what factors need improvement in your website and improve them for fast loading.
So, let’s check in detail on how to check the website speed reports and how to solve them.
How to improve user experience
If your website is loading fast then the user experience is automatically increasing and if your website has good content and is easy to use then visitors stay a long time on your website and also open more pages of your website.
Simply if a user likes our website then visit it again and again and stay more time that results in good user experience and also increase earning of website.
If you know, Google already mentioned officially if your website speed is good and this is a ranking signal.
Before the rank of any website or web page, Google checks a lot of factors and user experience is one of them and obviously user experience increases if website speed is increases, website responsiveness, and image or text loading speed.
So, if you may improve your website speed then user experience increases automatically and Google ranks your website on top of search results.
Let’s check what factors we improve with the help of the site speed report.
With the help of this report we can check how much our website is a faster load on pc or mobile of our visitor, also check website speed score on mobile and desktop. According to this, we improve our website speed where we need to improve it.
We also know about some other factors listed below:
Server Response Time: When someone visits our website then a request is received by our server and after how much time our server response to this request and after that website is loaded.
First Contentful Paint: When a website is loaded how much time does to show content on our website like text, images, or videos.
Time to Interactive: time to load full website after that each function of a website is working properly.
Total Blocking Time: Time when user doing anything on your site. For learning more about total blocking time visit web.dev.
Use monsterinsights WordPress plugin
With the help of monsterInsights we check where we need improvement in our website and how to improve it.
First, we need to know how to install monsterInsights in WordPress.
Step 1: Go to WordPress dashboard then click on plugins and then click on add new.

Step 2: In the search box write monsterinsights.

Step 3: Click on install now as shown in the picture.
After that activate the plugin.
After activating the monster insights plugin you can check in the image below that shows the warning and with the help of this warning, we can check if any issue on our website and then resolve it easily.

In this way, we can increase our website speed and also solve if any issue occurs.
Another best feature of monsterInsight is we also check our last year performance and also check monthly traffic. This cool feature also helps you to learn from your mistakes and do your best in the future.

In this way, we will check on which content our traffic is good and focus on this type of content to get more visitors and higher search results.
I hope with the help of this information you will increase your website speed in google search results. If you have any question about this topic then tell me in a comment below.